Attributes Guide
The maximum trainable level is 100 for all Attributes, with the exceptions of Tactics, Max HP, Max AP, and Spawn AP. These latter four have no training limit.
Level 10Respawn Mana - On each respawn 20 Mana are granted to your total. Additionally, the amount of Mana granted is increased by 1 with each additional level of Aggression.
Level 20Respawn Ammo - Respawn ammo is increased by 25%, and then by an additional 1% with each additional level of Aggression.
Level 30Bash - Use the +aoa_bash bind to send yourself forward at high speed for a short distance, damaging the first thing in contact, at the cost of 30 Mana. Can only be initiated while on the ground. Bash does club damage proportional to your speed at the time of impact, with a max of around 150 damage.
Level 40Multi-Weapon Spawn - On each respawn, you immediately recieve every weapon (along with ammo) which you have trained to level 10 or above.
Level 50Resist Aura of Mirrors - Damage taken from Aura of Mirrors is divided by 120%, and then by an additional 5% for each additional level of Aggression.
Level 60Increased Clip Size - For weapons that use clips, clip size is increased to 1.5 times the normal amount.
Level 80Increased Clip Size - For weapons that use clips, clip size is increased to 2 times the normal amount.
Level 90Aura of Damage - The ultimate expression of Aggression. Use aoa_damage to increase all inflicted weapons damage by 50%.

There is a startup cost of 20 Mana, and a base cost of 3 Mana per second. However, the longer you maintain the Aura of Damage, the more exhausting it is to continue. The Mana per second increases by 20% of the base cost for every second you continue. Once you stop using the Aura of Damage, you rest at the same rate. For example, if you used the Aura of Damage for 10 seconds, the cost would be doubled, but then after 10 seconds of rest, the cost would be back to 5 Mana per second. If you disable the Aura, you must wait 3 seconds before re-creating it.

All damage-inducing objects are affected by Aura of Damage at the time the object is initially launched or created. For example, you would want to turn Aura of Damage on when a Grenade is tossed, not when it explodes.

Aura of Damage does not affect the Gravity Gun.

Level 30Flying - Fly off the ground and navigate in the air at a base cost of 8 Mana per second. However, the longer you remain flying, the more exhausting it is to continue. The Mana per second increases by 20% of the base cost for every second you remain flying. Once you touch the ground, the cost returns to normal. Use aoa_fly to toggle its use on or off, and then hold down jump to Fly.
Level 40Resist Power Stun - Divide by 200% the chance of Power Stun being effective. Divide by an additional 5% for each additional level of Agility.
Level 60Resist Armor Knock - Divide by 200% the chance of Lucidity's Armor Knock being effective. Divide by an additional 5% for each additional level of Agility.
Level 70Flying Reduced Mana - Reduces Mana base cost for Flying to 4 per second.
Level 90Flying Reduced Mana - Reduces Mana base cost for Flying to 1 per second.
Level 10Increased Maximum MP - Maximum MP (Mana Points) increased by 25. Maximum MP increases by an additional 3 with each additional level of Alchemy.
Level 30Create Physics Object - Use aoa_create_phys, at the cost of 25 Mana, to create a physics object, suitable for Gravity Gun attacks. You may only have one physics object in existence at a time, such that creating a second one causes the first to detonate, dealing 100 damage.
Level 40Create Health - Use aoa_create_health, at the cost of 25 Mana, to create an item that may be picked up by anyone to recover 50 HP. Disintegrates after 3 minutes.
Level 50Create Health Trap - Use aoa_create_health_trap, at the base cost of 25 Mana, to create an item that may be picked up by anyone to do 100 damage. The Mana cost is increased by 2 after each Health Trap is created, but then goes back down by 2 after 4 seconds. Disintegrates after 3 minutes.
Level 60Create Armor - Use aoa_create_armor, at the cost of 25 Mana, to create an item that may be picked up by anyone to recover 50 AP. Disintegrates after 3 minutes.
Level 70Fly Dispel - All damage inflicted against a Flyer has a chance of Dispelling their ability to Fly. Once Fly Dispel has occured, the victim will drop to the ground and not be able to Fly again for 10 seconds. Fall damage is increased during Fly Dispel, as if the victim were falling twice as fast as normal. Non-bullet-weapon damage is 5x more likely to trigger a Fly Dispel.
Level 90Aura of Invisibility - Use aoa_invisibility to become Invisible at a base cost of 5 Mana per second. The Aura of Invisibility is dispelled when you attack or drop any item. However, the longer you remain Invisible, the more exhausting it is to continue. The Mana per second increases by 20% of the base cost for every second you remain Invisible. Once you stop the Aura of Invisibility, the cost returns to normal. You must rest for 3 seconds before restarting the Aura of Invisibility. (Affected by Intelligence's Flashlight and by Lucidity's Player ID and Armor Knock.)
Level 10Pogo Jumping - Jump extra high on command. Use the +aoa_pogo bind to Pogo Jump about 10 times as high as a normal jump, at the cost of 3 Mana. Holding the key down will Pogo Jump repeatedly. (If out of Mana, a normal jump is performed when hitting +aoa_pogo.)
Level 30Victory Mana - Upon defeating an enemy, 3 Mana are granted to your total for each level of the enemy you defeated. For each additional 5 levels of Charisma, an extra 1 Mana is granted.
Level 40Resist Health Traps - You are so Charismatic, those Health Traps couldn't have possibly been meant for you! Damage taken from picking up Health Traps is divided by 150%, and then by an additional 5% for each additional level of Charisma.
Level 60Aura of Mirrors - You are so Charismatic that your enemies can feel your pain, literally. Use aoa_mirrors to return 25% of damage taken back against the attacker.

There is a startup cost of 10 Mana, and a base cost of 5 Mana per second. However, the longer you maintain the Aura of Mirrors, the more exhausting it is to continue. The Mana per second increases by 20% of the base cost for every second you continue. Once you stop using the Aura of Mirrors, you rest at the same rate. For example, if you used the Aura of Mirrors for 10 seconds, the cost would be doubled, but then after 10 seconds of rest, the cost would be back to 5 Mana per second.

The reflected damage type is the same as the original damage type inflicted by your enemy. Negates your opponent's Health Leech while activated. Damage is further increased by 1% for each additional level of Charisma.

If you disable the Aura, you must wait 2 seconds before re-creating it.

Level 70Negate HP Toughness - If your level of Charisma is within 10 levels (plus or minus) of your victim's level of Stamina, he becomes distracted by your Charisma and loses 1/2 of his HP Toughness effect. If your level of Charisma is more than 10 levels above his Stamina, he completely loses his HP Toughness effect.
Level 10Mana Regeneration - You sneakily regenerate 1 Mana per second. With each additional level of Guile, you regenerate an additional .05 Mana per second. (Affected by Power Stun.)
Level 30Aura of Thorns - A barrier of Mana thorns surround and protect you. Use aoa_thorns to do 50 damage per second to anyone within its radius, and strike back with 200% damage for any direct physical attack. Aura of Thorns damage is dealt as a physical attack of club damage. (Affected by opponent's Power.) Negates your opponent's Health Leech while activated.

There is a startup cost of 10 Mana, and a base cost of 5 Mana per second. However, the longer you maintain the Aura of Thorns, the more exhausting it is to continue. The Mana per second increases by 20% of the base cost for every second you continue. Once you stop using the Aura of Thorns, you rest at the same rate. For example, if you used the Aura of Thorns for 10 seconds, the cost would be doubled, but then after 10 seconds of rest, the cost would be back to 5 Mana per second.

If you disable the Aura, you must wait 1 second before re-creating it.

Level 60Poison - All damage (other than Mirrors damage) has a chance to Poison the enemy. Poison stops health regeneration and does damage every second until cured. Collecting health packs cure any Poison. The degree of Poison starts at 4 damage per second, and increases by 1 for every 10 additional levels of Guile. (While a victim is Poisoned, additional damage will not cause any more Poison.)

Note that the chance of being Poisoned is only proportional to damage done, not the number of attacks, so one attack that does 100 damage has the same chance as 10 attacks that do 10 damage.

Damage taken from Poison does not get reflected by Aura of Mirrors.

Level 10Grapple - Use +aoa_grapple to attach and pull yourself with a grapple beam at no cost. Using amazing Combine technology, the Gravity Repelling And Personnel Propelling Laser Emitter (grapple for short) channels a tractor beam through your active weapon. The end of the beam travels at a velocity of 1200 attaches itself to any wall, floor etc (not movable objects), and then pulls the user at a velocity of 600.
Level 20Player ID - Identifies the player you are looking at, along with their current HP. Player ID can even identify Alchemy Invisible players, if their level of Alchemy is within 25 levels of your Lucidity. In addition, the Crowd Favorite will be identified with a star above the name and HP.
Level 30Item Ammo Pickup - Ever aware, you pick up 25% more ammo from items than others are able to. Increases further by 3% with each additional level of Lucidity.
Level 40Zoom - Use +zoom to telescopically zoom in on distant objects. Weapons can be fired as normal, even while zooming.
Level 50Increased AP pickup - Increases all AP pickup (both battery items and wall regenerators) by 50%. Increased a further 2% with each additional level of Lucidity.
Level 60Ammo Regeneration - Every 10 seconds, a mini pack of ammo is added to your inventory for your current weapon. The ammo values listed below is the average over time that will be given every 10 seconds.
Machine Gun15
Machine Gun Alt0.2
.357 Magnum2
Pulse Rifle6
Pulse Rifle Alt0.5
Level 70Armor Knock - If you quickly inflict a value of 25% of your victim's maximum AP as damage points, the victim may drop a large chunk of armor. The chance of an Armor Knock starts at 25%, and increases by 1% per additional level of Lucidity. The size of an Armor Knock starts at 25 AP, and increases by 1.5 AP per additional level of Lucidity. A victim will succumb to Armor Knock at most once every 5 seconds. The armor can't be picked up for 1 second. Armor Knock causes your enemy to drop an item, which dispels any Aura of Invisibility.
Level 10Flashlight - Illuminate your surroundings with a flashlight.
Level 30AP Toughness - AP Toughness is increased to 150% of normal. This means Damage done to AP is divided by 150%. AP damage is divided by an additional 2% for each additional level of Intelligence. For example, if your AP Toughness reached 200%, all AP damage would be cut in half.
Level 50AP Regeneration - Regenerate AP at a rate of 1 per second.
Level 90AP Regeneration - Regenerate AP at a rate of 2 per second.
Level 20Increased Maximum Ammo - Maximum ammo held is increased by 20% to start, and an additional 3% for each additional level of Power.
Level 30Resist Crush Damage - Effect of Crush damage is cut in half.
Level 40Resist Poison - Chance of being Poisoned is divided by 150%. The divider is increased by 5% for every additional level of Power.
Level 50Resist Fall Damage - Divides your effective fall speed by 1.3 for determining damage. Each additional level divides by another .01.
Level 70Power Stun - If you quickly inflict a value of 25% of your victim's maximum HP and maximum AP as damage points, the victim may be stunned for 2 seconds, and be unable to fire their weapon. Power Stun also disables Guile Mana Regeneration for 10 seconds. The chance of a Power Stun succeeding starts at 50%, and increases by 1% for each additional level of Power. A victim will succumb to Power Stun at most once every 5 seconds. Affected by opponent's Agility.
Level 80Adaptation - Immediately following a respawn, you take 50% less damage from whatever weapon or other damage infliction type that most recently killed you. The Adaptation steadily fades away to 0% over 4 minutes. (Upon being killed again, any previous Adaptation is replaced by the new one.)
Level 90Resist Aura of Thorns - Reduces damage from Aura of Thorns by 75%.
Level 10Aura of Speed - Use +speed to increase your running speed by 40%, at the base cost of 3 Mana per second. However, the longer you maintain the Aura of Speed, the more exhausting it is to continue. The Mana per second increases by 30% of the base cost for every second you continue. Once you stop using the Aura of Speed, you rest at the same rate. If you used the Aura of Speed for 10 seconds, the cost would be 9 Mana per second, but then after 10 seconds of rest, the cost would be back to 3 Mana per second.
Level 20Resist Drowning - You can now stay under water 50% longer. The length of time increases an additional 3% with each additional Stamina.
Level 40HP Toughness - Damage done to HP is divided by 110%. HP damage is divided by an additional 1% for each additional level of Stamina. For example, if your HP Toughness reached 200%, all HP damage would be cut in half. (Affected by opponent's Charisma.) Self-damage and damage from the world always is tempered by HP Toughness.
Level 50Aura of Defense - A shield of Mana defends you. Use aoa_defense to reduce all damage taken by 25%.

There is a startup cost of 10 Mana, and a base cost of 5 Mana per second. However, the longer you maintain the Aura of Defense, the more exhausting it is to continue. The Mana per second increases by 20% of the base cost for every second you continue. Once you stop using the Aura of Defense, you rest at the same rate. For example, if you used the Aura of Defense for 10 seconds, the cost would be doubled, but then after 10 seconds of rest, the cost would be back to 5 Mana per second.

If you disable the Aura, you must wait 1 second before re-creating it.

Level 60Health Leech - Seeing your enemies weakened gives you a boost! Gain 10% of HP damage dealt to opponent back as HP added to your total. Percentage regained increases by .5% with each additional level of Stamina. Health Leech is negated by an opponent's active Aura of Thorns or Aura of Mirrors, and you do not recieve Health Leech for damage you do via Aura of Thorns or Aura of Mirrors.
Level 80Aura of Speed - Speed increase is changed from 40% to 60%.
Level 10Item Health Pickup - HP gained from health pickups is increased by 10%. HP pickup increases 1% more with each additional level of Vitality.
Level 30HP Regeneration - Regenerate 1 HP per second. Regeneration increases by 1 HP per second for every 8 additional levels of Vitality.
Level 50Bonus HP Pickup - Normally a player's spawn HP and maximum HP are the same value. However, with the Bonus HP Pickup ability, health items can be picked up even when at or above your maximum HP. This allows your HP to go above the normal maximum. A health item grabbed via Bonus HP Pickup will grant 1/5th the amount of HP it normally would. Bonus pickups can occur up to double the normal maximum HP. Affected by Item Health Pickup.
Level 90Desperate Regeneration - HP regeneration doubles when HP is below 50.
Level *Increases inflicted weapons damage by .3% for each Level trained. For instance, if you upgraded Tactics 285 times, all your weapons would do twice normal damage all the time.

Weapon upgrades are calculated first, then Tactics is multiplied on top. So if a Weapon upgrade did 3x base damage, and Tactics did 2x damage, then your Weapon would do 6x normal damage in total.

Tactics does not affect the Gravity Gun.

Level *Increases maximum HP (Health Points) by 2 for each Level trained. Players always respawn with their maximum HP.

(A player's maximum HP starts off at 100, and increases by 1 per Player Level.)

Level *Increases maximum AP (Armor Points) by 3 for each Level trained.

(A player's maximum AP starts off at 100, and increases by 1 per Player Level.)

Level *Increases the AP (Armor Points) that a player respawns with by 3 for each Level trained.

(A player's spawn AP starts off at 0, and increases by 1 per Player Level.)

Several abilities consume Mana when used, so managing Mana can be key to your battling strategy. Any Mana that you collect is kept only for the duration of the game in progress - it cannot be kept across server reconnections. Mana can be gained in the following ways:

A player's maximum MP starts off at 100, and increases by 1 per Player Level. It is further increased by Alchemy's Increased Maximum MP.


All original content Copyright© Art of Ascension and bloodykenny.